How do you get to do the work you want at last?
By communicating
your worth
Have you ever thought, “I can’t say that at work!”?
It’s not just you. There’s relentless pressure to conform to light, jargon-filled talk to survive in the workplace.
Disappointment, sadness, and emptiness have precious little room to be spoken of without using hushed tones or private chat rooms.
If this soullessness hurts, we want you to:
Cultivate the know-how to bring your authentic self into spaces where money and reputation are on the line. Skillfully so.
You’ve probably witnessed someone expertly weave a personal story into a work-related point they’re making.
They looked relaxed and exuded confidence, and they weren’t taken any less seriously for sharing vulnerably, even if their voices shook for a moment.
They were real (and the opposite of cringy, nothing like those who overshare at the water cooler.)
Their story clarified their uniqueness; it set them apart in a sea of sameness.
These magician-like people elicit awe and envy in many of us.
Yet, their talent isn’t as rare as you might think.
You have this same capacity in you; you just haven’t experienced a professional space for this kind of storytelling skill to flourish.
So, we created this course.
Unearthing personal stories will make you a more effective communicator.
It’ll also:
- Give you insight and words to describe your greatest inner strengths
- Prep you for taking the stage, penning a leadership book or memoir, embarking on a career shift or an entrepreneurial venture—whatever your vision of “leveling up” entails, and
- Connect you to yourself, returning you to who you were before the world told you who to be
- Give you insight and words to describe your greatest inner strengths
- Prep you for taking the stage, penning a leadership book or memoir, embarking on a career shift or an entrepreneurial venture—whatever your vision of “leveling up” entails, and
- Connect you to yourself, returning you to who you were before the world told you who to be
If you want this, we want this for you.
This course offers a rigorous yet sensitive environment perfectly suited for you to do just what the title says: unleash your stories.
Please join us. We’re going to laugh, cry, and have so much fun.
Your guides,
April & Rumi
core stories
In Your Story Unleashed, we use carefully selected prompts to get to your “core stories.”
These short, simple, and sticky narratives from the past are your personal playbook. They guide your everyday choices and your point of view. Knowing your core stories makes you self-aware and doubt-proof. Using your core stories busts through Imposter Syndrome and makes you influential.

Find and share your core story
Tap into a core story your audience is already telling themselves in a way only you can and create resonance
Validate how valuable your authentic self is
story work
story work
What’s included in Your Story Unleashed?
Nobody needs a course that turns into one more thing you can’t get to.
We ask you to find 10 minutes a day (or an hour a week)
where it best fits into your schedule.
24 Prompts
6 Videos
4 Sessions

1 Surprise
We learn and grow better together. This course is offered in cohorts
to a limited number of participants at a time.
You can count on us for tactical and emotional support to help you through challenging moments.
When you show up to do the work, the small acts of courageous action
will add up to a significant shift in your life.
your guides
Rumi Tsuchihashi
Rumi Tsuchihashi is the author of I Want To Remember This: Recognizing The Tiny Moments That Make Up a Life, and the essay ‘Where Our Palms Touch,’ which was featured in the Modern Love column of The New York Times.
As a longtime copywriter, Rumi helps her clients uncover their brand voices and creates unforgettable messages and business stories with them. Because the world of possibility inside books has enchanted her since childhood, she delights in coaching first-time book authors—and mid-career professionals yearning to author a new story of their lives.
Rumi Tsuchihashi

Rumi Tsuchihashi is the author of I Want To Remember This: Recognizing The Tiny Moments That Make Up a Life, and the essay ‘Where Our Palms Touch,’ which was featured in the Modern Love column of The New York Times.
As a longtime copywriter, Rumi helps her clients uncover their brand voices and creates unforgettable messages and business stories with them. Because the world of possibility inside books has enchanted her since childhood, she delights in coaching first-time book authors—and mid-career professionals yearning to author a new story of their lives.
April Bell
As a child, April spent her days listening to stories from whichever elder-neighbor would have her. More recently, she’s crafted her wisdom-mining process into book form with My Life in Paragraphs: Find and Tell Your Stories. As her storytelling focus lends toward the spoken word, people daunted by writing love her approach. She is co-creator of StoryCatcher® for iPhone.
April is the founder at Tree of Life Legacies, a storytelling and wisdom-keeping project based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 2008 she’s been helping people find and tell the origin stories behind their values, often on video.
What’s your story?
April Bell

As a child, April spent her days listening to stories from whichever elder-neighbor would have her. More recently, she’s crafted her wisdom-mining process into book form with My Life in Paragraphs: Find and Tell Your Stories. As her storytelling focus lends toward the spoken word, people daunted by writing love her approach. She is co-creator of StoryCatcher® for iPhone.
April is the founder at Tree of Life Legacies, a storytelling and wisdom-keeping project based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 2008 she’s been helping people find and tell the origin stories behind their values, often on video.
What’s your story?
What participants say about the course
“This process gives you permission to play with your story in a safe environment. It invites you into an experience that makes you feel like you can take that little bit of risk, without feeling like you’re going to be judged. It has a magical way of prompting that guides you deeper and deeper and deeper into your story until you’re face to face with the values you hold most dear.” —Dan Senter
Carolyn Goto
- ★★★★★
The questions prompted me to see what I learned, what my values were and how I grew.
Dan Senter
- ★★★★★
The real gift in this process is you think you’re simply telling a story, and then suddenly you’re standing on the frontier of your own values set. That’s when you realize, “This story matters to me because these things matter to me!”
Steve Alparone
- ★★★★★
Hearing story examples of what’s been important to other people helped me go further in my own thinking about what I want to tell.”
own your story
This course is for you if you:
- want to articulate the difference you and your work make
- deliver data-driven presentations and want more audience connection
- find it easy to talk about other people’s strengths but not your own
- need to create visibility for your team to decision-makers and executives
- are tired of the pressure to articulate your value more clearly than your peers because of your gender, race, or ability
- have quiet strength but get feedback that you “lack confidence”
- want to invest in self-discovery and skill-building but have very little time
- are done with walling off a part of your personhood to survive in the workplace
- have tried programs promising “silver bullets” and want a course that supports a more steady, gradual transformation
- are ready to break free from your critical inner dialogue
- love the idea of grabbing hold of your potential and authoring the story of your life
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