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Join Your Story Unleashed

A course that puts your true value into words. We learn and grow better together. This course is offered in cohorts to a limited number of participants at a time. You can count on us for tactical and emotional support to guide you through challenges.

Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $297.00.

What's included:

  • Twenty-four well-designed prompts, delivered via email
  • Four optional live co-working and reflection sessions
  • Six short instructional videos on the heart and craft of everyday storytelling
  • One surprise guest

our flagship course won't be offered at this rate again

/*** Auto redirect a user who isn't logged into the site ***/ add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'swpm_auto_redirect_non_members' ); function swpm_auto_redirect_non_members() { if (is_admin()){ //Inside the admin dashboard. Nothing to do. return; } //We are on the front-end. Lets check visitor's login status. if( !SwpmMemberUtils::is_member_logged_in() && !is_page( array( 'membership-login', 'membership-join' )) ) { wp_redirect( '' ); exit; } }