Your Story Unleashed Week Twelve

Welcome to week Twelve! Hi Storytellers,Thank you for trusting the journey. You’ve made it to the final week of Your Stories Unleashed. We’ll close by answering one final commonly asked question: “How can I craft stories that showcase my value?” Before we go there, we...

Your Story Unleashed Week Eleven

Welcome to week eleven! Friends, You’re fast becoming a great storyteller, someone who: Shows up wholeheartedly to the task Keeps a whole, non-lineal timeline of key moments on hand Creates connection by reflecting honestly on regrets, and Knows the difference between...

Your Story Unleashed Week Ten

Welcome to week ten! We’re entering the final stretch of the course, storytellers! For the next two weeks, we’ll be sharing the 3 dos and don’ts of storytelling you most need to know so when you unleash your stories to the public, they’ll be unforgettable. And to make...

Your Story Unleashed Week Nine

Welcome to week nine! Hi friends, “How can I use my personal narrative to change people’s minds?” Today, we want to share an example of someone who rose to that challenge. By owneing a cringe-y childhood story most of us would’ve kept silent about—and definitely...

Your Story Unleashed Week Eight

Welcome to week eight! Hi friends, Now that you have a growing timeline of story gems and vast insight into how your personal values and work aspirations align, are you wondering when we’ll get to the “How do I use stories to get the opportunities I want?” part of...
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