I Want To Remember This: Recognizing The Tiny Moments That Make Up a Life

by Rumi Tsuchihashi

What do you want to remember from your life? Your brain is stuffed with so many things to do and remember. Emails. Chores. Appointments. But, are these the things that really matter? Maybe you have an uneasy feeling that your life is speeding by in a blur, and meanwhile, you’re forgetting the things that matter most.


I Want To Remember This

Rumi’s first book; a one-woman quest to slow down, reflect, and capture the moments that feel especially important.

Each page contains a tiny memory-laughing with grandma, a hospital visit, a particular fragrance, an act of love and caring, big moments and small ones expressed with honesty and humor.

This book invites you to recognize the moments that make up your life.

And ask, “What don’t I want to forget?”

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